Wednesday, July 26, 2023

2017 was a LONG time ago!


Holy Crap, it's been a long time since I posted anything here! 

Lets start at 2019 and the 50th Anniversary of the Barracuda. About Jan of that year I pinged Ed Buczeski from Carlisle Events and asked if they were doing anything special to commemorate the occasion. Well, we worked with Ed and were able to put three of our club members cars in Building T, along with other Barracudas, one car representing each year of production, with a Mr. Norms Barracuda built from a modern Challenger to show what might have been. That was a good year.

In 2020, the Club celebrated its 20th anniversary and to celebrate we had new logos designed.

It's July 26th, 2023 as I write this, so we're back from the Carlisle Chrysler Nationals. Each year since 2013 I've had the privilege of giving a Celebrity Choice Award by Carlisle Events to any car I felt was deserving. For the past 10 years, this has been the highlight of my visit. This years recipient was a beautiful 1961 Valiant V200 4 door. 

My last post in 2017 was the kickoff of me beginning the complete rebuild of my 1966 Barracuda. It's still not finished! LOL! But, it is painted and being assembled! Woo Hoo! That's me finishing the engine bay the day before leaving for Carlisle.

You'll fine much more from Carlisle, my car and other fun things on the YouTube Channel @EarlyValiantBarracudaClub, so go check them out and I'll try not to be a stranger here.

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